Welcome from the Test Engraving.
Genealogy, History, Stories, Remembrances
This is an experiment of various members of Craig's Family in recording and publishing family history in the form of genealogy, history, narrative, remembrances and stories.
The tones of these works may range from the impassionate and scholarly tone of genealogies to the very subjective and perhaps idealized nature of family legend and childhood memories.
I hope that you enjoy what is here and are willing to share with us as well.
Genealogies and Histories
Brief Moments in Time:
- Biographical Sketches of Marian Elizabeth Kreie and Kenneth Lester Garrett.
Memories of Grandpa Garrett in Mason City
The True Legend
of Harley and Floye Garrett
A Brief History:
Charles Robert Garrett and Catherine McGuire
A Brief History:
William Charles Kreie and Elida Wilhelmina Christina Hollander
The Remarkable Stories of Zita and Kenneth Jones
Kenneth Clay Jones and Zita Helen Shutts
The Barkuses of Malvern, Iowa
Louis A Barkus and Edith Laraway Bushnell
Maynard Leroy Jones in World War II
The crew, the Mairzy Doats, and the Kassel Mission
© 2018