The Barkus Family - 1950s
From B. Lou Jones autobiography:
Mom loved to crochet and made several beautiful table cloths and doilies ...
... remember Mom had a reputation for baking outstanding angel food cakes that she made on special occasions and sometimes sold. She whipped the egg whites to stiffness by hand with an old-fashioned wire beater. They were super-good moist cakes! I resented the fact that because there were always so many yolks leftover from those cakes, we usually got what Mom called "yellow" angel food made with the leftover egg yolks.
Edith Barkus
Undated photo, possibly about 1957
Several more grandchildren were born in the 1950s, including Marna Lynn Jones (25 August 1953) and Jeffrey L. Jones (16 February 1956). Both were born in Des Moines.
Etta Bushnell, Edith's mother with whom she had resided. for over 25 years, passed away 8 July 1958 at the age of 95. She was apparently bed-bound for the last seven years of her life, even though family legend has it that Etta did not have infirmities that warranted such immobility. Etta was buried in cemtery at Malvern. Etta was the last remaining child of Jesse and Rebecca Cole.
Anzo Etta Read Bushnell
Undated photo, about 1943 or 1944