Appendix 3: Documents related to the marriage of Kenneth Jones and Zita Shutts

Affidavit in the matter of the application for license for the marriage of Mr. Kenneth Jones, age 24, Post office Rexfield, Iowa, and Miss Ida [sic] Schutts [sic], age 15, post office Rexfield, Iowa, #11249 in the district court of Iowa, in and for Monroe County.

State of Iowa, Monroe County, ss, I, W. H. Schutts [sic] of Rexfield, Ia, do solemnly swear that I am acquainted with Kenneth Jones and Ida [sic] Schutts [sic] who are parties for the marriage of whom a license is applied: that he is 21 years of age, of sound contracting mind, and unmarried; that she is 15 years of age, of sound contracting mind, and unmarried; that they are not first cousins and neither has been divorced within one year, and that there is no legal impediment to said parties entering the marriage state, to the best of my knowledge, and belief…signed W. H. Shutts.
Subscribed in my presence by W. H. Schutts [sic] and by him before me sworn to this 20 day of May 1922…signed Lloyd Waters, Clerk District Court.
License #11249 issued 20 day of May 1922 for marriage of above named parties…signed Lloyd Waters, Clerk District Court

1. By whom affidavit, if any, was made W. H. Schutts [sic]
2. By whom consent to marriage is given Father of girl
3. Full name of GROOM Kenneth C. Jones
4. Place of residence Rexfield, Ia Occupation Miner
5. Groom’s age next birthday: 25; Color: White; Race: Cauc;
No. of Groom’s marriage: 1; Groom’s place of birth: Smoky Hollow, IA
6. Groom’s father’s full name T. A. Jones
7. Groom’s mother’s full maiden name Eva Hyde
8. Full name of BRIDE Zita Shutts
9. Bride’s maiden name, if a widow….
10. Bride’s Place of Residence Rexfield, Ia Bride’s age next birthday 16
11. Color White Race Cauc No. of bride’s marriage 1st
12. Bride’s place of birth Hamilton, Ia
13. Bride’s father’s full name W. H. Schutts [sic]
14. Bride’s mother’s full maiden name Clementine DeMoss
15. Where and when married Albia, Ia, May 20, 1921(Note how this differs from the rest of the dates on this document.)
16. Witnesses Mr and Mrs W. H. Schutts [sic]
17. By whom married, name and office Rev W. A. Longnecker

We hereby certify that the information above given is correct, to the best of knowledge and belief. Kenneth Jones Groom. Zita Shutts Bride. I hereby certify that the above is a correct return of a marriage solemnized by me. Dated at Albia, Ia this 20 day of May 1922 W. A Longnecker, Minister M. E. Church
(If Kenneth and Zita were married in 1921, Kenneth would have been 23 and Zita 14)


This certifies, that on the 20 day of May 1922, at Albia in said County, according to law and by authority, I duly joined in marriage, Mr. Kenneth C. Jones and M Zita H. Schutts [sic] Given under my hand this 20 day of May 1922

When Registered: June 16 1922
W. A. Longnecker, Minister
M. E. Church

