Appendix 1: Family History Sheet of Kenneth L. and Marian E. Garrett
Appendix 2: Lorimor, Pleasantville and Colfax, Iowa
Appendix 3: Class Pictures Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Appendix 4: Colfax Classmates through the Years
Appendix 5: Colfax Teachers and Staff
Appendix 6: Eighth Grade Prophesies for the Two Classes and the 1965 High School Prophecy
Appendix 7: Junior High Diploma
Appendix 8: Junior/Senior Prom Speech
Appendix 9: Boys and Girls State
Appendix 10: Image of High School Diploma
Appendix 11: The West Point Years, Fall of 1964 to June 30, 1965
Appendix 12: Events of Significance, 1961-1965
Appendix 13: Fiftieth Year Colfax High School Reunion, Class of 1965