Appendix 12: Events of Significance, 1961-1965
- John F. Kennedy is inaugurated as President of the US, January 20
- Enovid 5 mg approved for contraceptive use, February 15
- Cuba invaded at Bay of Pigs, April 12, crushed by April 17
- Alan B. Shepard, Jr., suborbital launch, May 5
- John H. Glenn, Jr., first American to orbit earth, February 20
- Marilyn Monroe Dies August 5
- Cuban missile crisis, August to November
- James H. Meredith registers at University of Mississippi, October 1
- Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring”
- Harold Hughes, Governor of Iowa (1963-1969)
- First artificial heart implanted by Michael DeBakey, April 21
- Supreme Court rules no required religious recitation in public schools, June 17
- Martin Luther King delivers “I have a dream speech”, Washington, DC, August 28
- John F. Kennedy assassinated, Dallas, Texas, November 22
- Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed by Jack Ruby, November 24
- Betty Friedan publishes “The Feminine Mystique”
- Civil Rights Act outlawed discrimination in employment, voter registration, and public accommodations.
- Three episodes of the “Beverly Hillbillies” rate in the top 50 single shows in TV history
- Warren report issued on assassination of President Kennedy
- The Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, February 16
- Schwerner, Goodman and Cheney murdered in Mississippi, June
- Gulf of Tonkin resolution approved by Congress, August 7
- Lyndon Johnson elected President, November
- Selma march led by Martin Luther King, Jr., February 1
- Malcolm X shot to death, New York City, February 21
- American combat troops entered the Vietnam War
- “Unsafe at Any Speed” published by Ralph Nader
- Gemini 3 orbited the earth 3 times, first American Mult-person crew, June 3
- Medicare begins, July 1