William and Elida Kreie: 1920s
Last name: | First name: | Relation: | Sex: | Age: | Born: | |
Kreie | William C | Head | M | 42 | Wisconsin | |
Elida | Wife | F | 40 | Wisconsin | ||
Edward | Son | M | 13 | Wisconsin | ||
Clarence | Son | M | 12 | Wisconsin | ||
Ruth | Daughter | F | 9 | Wisconsin | ||
Marion | Daughter | F | 2-5/12 | Wisconsin | ||
Mildred | Daughter | F | 5/12 | Wisconsin |
William's occupation is listed on the federal census as a farmer and not as a railroad engineer, although I am pretty sure that he remained employed by the railroad.
While living on the farm, the children went to a small country school located very near the home just across the highway. A recent picture of the school is shown below, but the school has been removed since the picture was taken.
Undated family photo, probably about 1924
Back row, L-R: Edward, Elida, Clarence, Ruth and William
Front row, L-R: Marian and Mildred
Edward graduated from Antigo High School in 1924 and Ruth followed in 1929.
At some point during the decade, the family moved from the country home to a house in Antigo at 1225 2d Street and the children no longer attended the country school. The change probably shortened the commute for William to his job with the railroad as well as making it easier for the children to attend school.
The family was living in the house at the time of this picture. Nate the chimney at the left of the picture.
In a more recent picture taken long after the family had! left it, the chimney is no longer visible, suggesting the addition of living space. It is not known when the addition was completed.
My mother Marian Elizabeth said that her parents spoke German between each other, but would speak only English when their children were present. Marian could probably understand some German, but this was never heard within her own family.
At the end of the decade, Edward married Kathryn Viola Dawson on 23 February 1929 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin. He had attended Marquette College in Milwaukee where he took courses in pharmacy and became a pharmacist in a retail drug store.
Ruth was also married in 1929, just months after her graduation from high school. She wed Nicholas Christian Hugo Fiebke on 17November1929 in Antigo.
At some point, the family moved briefly to Wausau, Wisconsin, before then moving back to Antigo.
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