William and Elida Kreie: 1940s
1940 United States Federal Census, Antigo, Langlade Co., Wisconsin:
Last name: First name: Relation: Sex: Age: Born:
Unable to find reference to William, Minnie, or Mildred in the census.
Undated photo, with William Kreie on the right
Location is not known
Saint Ambrose Episcopal Church, Antigo, Wisconsin
Family church, 1940
William registered for World War II as he had for World War I. His registration card is undated, but he was living at 1225 2d Avenue in Antigo. His nearest relative is listed as Mildred, his daughter. (See Appendix 4.)
Mildred married Donald LaDuke Janasak on 24 April 1943 in San Angelo, Tom Green Co., Texas, while Donald was stationed there during World War II.
William Kreie retired from the railroad in 1943 after 42 years of service, having worked only with steam locomotives. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers, Lodge 634, Antigo. He was also a member of the A. M. Masonic Lodge of Antigo and a member of the Low Twelve club of the same lodge. (See Appendix 2 footnotes for information on these societies.)
Other grandchildren born in the 1940s and the 1950s included:
- Ruth and Nicholas Fiebke:
- Kenneth Jerome, 6May1940, Albany, Albany Co., New York
- Robert Joseph, 4 Mar 1946, Albany, Albany Co., New York
- Marian and Kenneth Garrett:
- Kenneth L., 25 October 1942, Osceola, Clarke Co., Iowa
- Craig Roger, 28 June 194 7, Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa
- Mildred and Donald Janasak:
- Donald William, 3 October 1946, Antigo, Wisconsin
- Mary Helen, 1January1949, Antigo, Wisconsin
- Margaret Ann, 30 January 1951, Antigo, Wisconsin
- Gerald Antone, 31Mar1953, San Antonio, Texas
- Robert Jon, 7 April 1959, Antigo, Wisconsin
I believe some time after his divorce, William moved to an apartment at 602.
Lincoln Street in Antigo (shown above). The house is currently occupied by the Langlade Abstract and Title Company..
William married Margaret Kornrumpf in 1948. Margaret was born in Manitowoc, 17 January 1875 and was the daughter of Henry C. and Clara Schmetzle Koch. She had been married to Hugo Kornrumpf from 1902 until his death in 1928. Apparently Margaret and Hugo did not have any children.
One of William's grandchildren, Kenneth Fiebke, recalled that he only got to see his grandfather three times, two of which were in New York where is family was living. Ken wrote, "We would ask him how long he was going to stay and his stock answer would be 'till I run out of tobacco'." When the grandchildren could not find something to do to amuse themselves or if they got underfoot, William would send them out to the back yard with a dinner knife to dig up plantain plants.
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